Shop, and some…

General News

Please do your shopping here:

This is the new go-to site for this and that.

You can get all your daily necessities such as CDs, Posters, Badges, Masks, and Tickets.


Furthermore, while I’m here,  I would just like to take this opportunity to review with you the rules by which this site is navigated:

Carrot for News.

Aubergine for upcoming Shows.

Courgettes for a list of recorded releases.

Mushrooms for the picture gallery: photos and doodles.

Peppers for interesting links.

Leek for Press/Contact information (Biog, bookings, write-ups etc…)



Well… so… erm…

General News

Here we are then, a while it has been.

David has been busy away from music although the music is still busy away from David.

Outbreeding has a scheduled release in the USA – on 4th October: With what seem like incredibly decent chaps and chapesses at Paper Garden Records:

I just wanted to share – as I was perusing the archives during a spare hour clutching my guts and wishing I hadn’t eaten so much the night before – this unreleased EP of music I made at some point over the last few years.

Futile and Precious EP by dtb

It is actually some short pieces prepared using a broke version of Ableton which quits every two or three minutes (so I have to be quick) along with some cuts from the first session at Press Play studios where we just ran through some ideas in one take.

Bon vivre and violet beauregardes to you all.


(yes I did refer to myself in the 3rd person back then)